To download shows from the Tivo using the https interface, to go https://<ip address of Tivo>. You will then be prompted for a username and password. The username is tivo. The password is your media access key. At this point you will have a user interface that allows you to see your recordings and download them. However if you try and download them you will get an error. To fix the problem do the following steps before the download:
  1. Using Firefox, log on to your TiVo's Web interface.
  2. Hit Shift-F2. A small toolbar will open at the bottom of the browser window.
  3. Type cookie set sid 1 into the toolbar and hit Enter.
  4. Close the toolbar and download your shows.

-- LorettaMach - 01 Jun 2013
Topic revision: r1 - 01 Jun 2013, LorettaMach
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