Ricks Fritatta by LorettaMach

10 eggs
splash of milk
avocado (or other) oil
chopped onion
chopped pepper
Spinach leaves ( or other greens)
Parmesan Cheese
Feta Cheese
Salt & Pepper
  1. Set oven on 400 degrees.
  2. Use a non-stick frying pan with a metal handle. Add oil and saute peppers and onion. When they are done add the greens.
  3. While sauteing, in large bowl whisk 10 eggs and a splash of milk, pepper, salt. Add Parmesan and Feta cheese. (set aside)
  4. Remove pan from heat and pour egg mixture over the vegetables. Move vegetables evenly around the pan.
  5. Put the pan in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Apr 2020, RickMach
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