Muddy Buddy by Glenda Mach

9 c your favorite Chex cereal
1 c semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 c peanut butter
1/4 c margarine or butter
1 t vanilla
1 1/2c powdered sugar

Pour cereals into a large bowl and set aside. In a 1 qt microwave bowl combine chocolate chips, peanut butter, and margarine. Microwave on high 1 minute or until smooth, stirring after 1 minute. Stir in vanilla. Pour mixture over cereals, stirring until all pieces are evenly coated. Pour mixture into a large zip lock bags with powdered sugar. Seal and shake till coated. Spread on wax paper to cool. (I left it in the bag.)

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)

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Topic revision: r2 - 21 Sep 2006, RickMach
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