Goals For My Life (2006)

I have several goals for the rest of my life. For my full time job I would like to be a carpenter. I would build my own two-story house and other homes. In my spare time I would teach my kids piano, soccer, and basketball. I'd like to coach my son's basketball team. Also, I'd like to be on an adult soccer team and play the piano professionally. I would play the piano occasionally at Grace covenant Church. I would make Christmas CD's and sell them on the internet. I want to be an expert typist and run in marathons.

I would like to get married and have a boy and a girl. I would live in Austin in a five bedroom house. It would have three bathrooms. I would like to have a dog and a cat. I'd like to own a blue and gray Honda Odyssey van.

-- JosephMach - 24 Oct 2006
Topic revision: r2 - 24 Oct 2006, LorettaMach
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