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5-7: You are a moral liar, meaning you often lie to protect the feelings of others or protect your standing among friends. While you don't lie for the sake of lying, you can find ways of telling the truth that will increase your honesty quotient and keep others from feeling crushed.

10-12: You usually only lie when it depends on someone's feelings. While you may think you are protecting the person, it really isn't. Try to work on being more forthcoming and honest in the way you deal with situations. If you are tactful, you will find that the truth comes out much easier.

15-13: You are a truth-monger. Just be sure that you are not being too brutal in your honesty. Otherwise, keep up the good work.

Psalm 37:37 - "Look at those who are honest and good. For a wonderful future lies before those who love peace." (NLT)

-- RickMach - 18 Jul 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Jul 2007, RickMach
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