Homemade Yogurt by RickMach


1 gallon of milk (I use fat free)
1-2 cups powdered milk (optional, to make a thicker yogurt)
1/2 to 1 cup of plain yogurt


Heat milk over a medium heat until 180 degrees, stirring occasionally to prevent the bottom from scorching. Stir in and dissolve powdered milk while heating. Do not bring to a boil. Cool milk until temperature reaches 105 - 110 degrees. Preheat oven to warm and turn on the oven light. Stir in yogurt. Put lid on the pot and wrap in towels. Place in oven, leaving the light on. Leave it this way for about 7-8 hours until done. Place pot in refrigerator until thoroughly cooled. Transfer into final containers.

To make Greek yogurt, drain finished yogurt in the refrigerator for a hour or so in collendar lined with a dishcloth or cheesecloth.
Topic revision: r4 - 03 Sep 2011, LorettaMach
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