Cottage Cheese Griddlecakes by FannieFarmer

Turn these tender pancakes gently, and let them cook a little longer than you would a traditional pancake.


1 cup large-curd cottage cheese
3 eggs
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/4 cup white flour
1/4 teaspoon salt


Dry the cottage cheese in a sieve, pressing it down firmly and letting it stand and drop for an hour or so. Beat the egss well in a mixing bowl. Add the cottage cheese, butter, flour, and salt, and mix only enough to blend. Drop by large spoonfulls onto a buttered, moderately hot griddle or frying pan. Turn gently with a spatula when lightly browned on the underside and bake on the other side until light brown. Keep warm in a 200 degree F oven until you have enough to serve.

Rick's modification: I rush the draining. I usually use a pasta drainer, spread it all out in a thin layer, and press the top with a couple of paper towels. I let it set for only a few minutes while I then do the rest (melt butter, etc.)

Makes approx. 11 pancakes, whole recipe 594, 1 pancake: 54

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-- RickMach - 04 Mar 2005
Topic revision: r3 - 30 Mar 2016, LorettaMach
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