How to Burn CDs


The first step to burning a CD is to make sure the music of interest is in winamp. If it is, have winamp rescan the directory where I music is found (P:\music). You can do this by choosing the "Options" menu and selecting "Preferences". Once the dialog is up, click on the "Local Media" item on the left which is under the "Media Library" section. You should see the P:\music directory listed under the "Watch Folders" tab on the left pane. If not, you can add it with the "Add folder" button. To force winamp to rescan the directory, click on the "Rescan now" and that will pick up any new music we have added since the last time winamp did a scan.

Next, locate the songs/CDs you which to burn. You can mix and match any number of songs on a single CD until you reach (but don't go over) its maximum capacity of 80 minutes. To select a song or album for burning, right click the mouse on the title of the song/album, choose "Send to:" and choose "CD burner on D:". This will add the songs to a queue that is getting ready to be burned. You can click on the "CD Recorder (D:)" on the left bar to see the songs you are getting ready to burn to the CD as well as how long the total length of the songs (remember you can't go over 80 minutes). If you find you have songs you don't want, you can select them and press delete. Repeat the process of finding and adding songs until you have all you want.

When you are ready to burn the CDs, insert a blank disk into the CD drive. Once it is closed and winamp shows you have a disk loaded, click on "Burn" button at the bottom of the windows where the list of songs are queued (You see this in the CD Recorder (D:) window.) . You can see if it is loaded by looking two lines above Track #. Let it continue until the disk is finished burning. You now have a custom CD that should work in any computer or CD player.

Standby Mode

when computer in bedroom shows standby mode, turn computer on by pressing large button on box beneath the deak

Shared Family Calendar

-- RickMach - 11 Jul 2010

Topic revision: r4 - 27 Sep 2024, LorettaMach
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