I disagree with the toll roadways in general but the methods being used in Austin, TX give me grave concern. Here are some specific examples of why I disagree with what is being done. I also have a list of elected officials that support toll roads that I will never vote for and hope anyone reading this page will not vote for in the future.
  • The free roads are modified in a way that were worse than before the toll roads. Specific examples.
    • Roads that were previously 55 MPH have been changed to 45 MPH along 1325 North. This is even after the fact that the new roads have no more lights, are now divided in places where previously they weren't and have extra lanes in some places. This has also happened along parts of the roadway unaffected by the new toll road. This appears to be an effort to encourage toll road usage.
    • The lights on 1325 used to be longer and better synchronized on 1325 North. Currently, they are short cycled or times such that you have to stop at almost every one. Again this appears to be an encouragement to take the toll roads.
    • The intersection of 71 of 130 added new traffic lights. This has created tremendous backups in the area that weren't present before the toll road and lights were added. This was reported in the Austin American Statesmen. The lights are timed to give short wait to the toll payers on 130 while creating backup in the very heavily traversed 71 artery. The probable solution (though not final) is to create toll lanes on 71 to bypass the problem the 130 toll road created in the first place.
  • Roads paid for with tax money being converted to free roads - this was happening along 183 and only changed at the last minute due to large public outcry
  • Defying the will of the public - one feedback on a plan was over 90% opposed yet the plan was passed by the CAMPO board.
  • A TxDOT short course doesn't give details but suggests limiting supply to increase use of toll roads.

As reported by the Austin American Statesman on October 9, 2007. The following CAMPO members voted in favor of the 5 new toll roads:
  • Judge Sam Biscoe, Travis County
  • Bob Daigh, Texas Department of Transportation Austin district engineer
  • Gerald Daugherty, Travis County Commissioner
  • Betty Dunkerley, Austin City Council Member
  • Miguel Gonzalez, Kyle Mayor
  • Mike Krusee, state representative
  • Bob Lemon, Cedar Park Mayor
  • Cynthia Long, Williamson County Commissioner
  • Nyle Maxwell, Round Rock Mayor
  • Brewster McCracken, Austin City Council member
  • Gary Nelon, Georgetown Mayor
  • John Trevino, Former Austin mayor pro tem
  • Will Wynn, Austin Mayor
  • Kirk Watson, state representative (all except 290 from which he recused himself)
  • Sarah Eckhardt, Travis County commissioner - voted yes on all but Texas 45 southwest

Opposed to the toll road plan were (and please vote for them):
  • Jeff Mills of Sunset Valley
  • Jennifer Kim, Austin city council member
  • Eddie Rodriguez, State representative
  • Elizabeth Sumter, Hays County Judge

-- RickMach - 09 Oct 2007
Topic revision: r3 - 17 Oct 2007, RickMach
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