Texas Caviar by CarlieTilly

1 can Blackeyed Peas with Jalapenos
1 can Hominy - you can use white corn, or sweet corn if you want or both
1 can Pinto Beans with Jalapenos
1 medium tomato - diced
1 bunch green onions - diced - use all of it green stuff too
1/2 bunch of cilantro - cut up
garlic powder or fresh garlic
1 can hatch green chili peppers
1 small (8oz size) bottle of Italian Dressing.


Drain these cans of beans/corn and put into bowl. Add rest of the ingredients and mix. Let marinate for a couple of days - the longer it marinates, the better the flavor. Serve with chips or alone as a salad.

This makes the small bowl you saw in the conference room. I usually double the recipe for a larger crowd since everyone seems to like it.

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Topic revision: r4 - 17 Sep 2006, RickMach
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