You are here: Foswiki>Machs Web>SubjectArea (13 Oct 2004, LynnwoodBrown)Edit Attach

SubjectArea Table for use in WebForm

This table is used to classify a topic in Foswiki.Machs using the drop-down menu in WebForm.
Name Type Tooltip message
no subject option  

Here is a list of all the SubjectAreas available in the Machs web:
Number of topics: 0
Unfortunately, at present, new SubjectArea topics must be added manually to the table above to be listed in WebForm.

Create a new SubjectArea Topic

To create a new SubjectArea topic, go here.

New SubjectArea topics will use the SubjectAreaTemplate if there is one defined.

Back to TopicType

Topic revision: r4 - 13 Oct 2004, LynnwoodBrown
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