The Music of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
by Joseph Mach
February 6, 2006

The music in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is similar to the action that is taking place. I have three examples of this. The first one is when the dwarfs are going to rescue Snow White. The music is fast when the animals and dwarfs are running to the house. My next example is when the dwarfs are washing their hands before they eat. The music is silly like the dwarfs are acting. My last example is when Snow White is lying dead on the bed. The music sounds very sad.

I like the songs that the characters sang. My favorite songs are \x93Hi-Ho\x94 and the song sung in the mine. The songs aren't necessary. The songs make the movie more interesting. When the dwarfs were in the mine, they sang silly songs which made me laugh inside. It's nice when Snow White is singing to the animals and the squirrel sits in her lap.

I think the adults would like the songs. When Snow White and the Prince were singing at the beginning of the movie, it made the scene more romantic. Also, I think the adults would like the \x93Hi-Ho\x94 song because it's a cute song.
Topic revision: r1 - 06 Feb 2006, RickMach
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