Smoked Pulled Pork Butt by RickMach


1 8-10 pound bone-in pork shoulder roast AKA Boston butt
2-3 Tablespoons yellow mustard
1/4 cup Homemade BbqSweetRubPorkChicken
1 Tablespoon Homemade BBQ Sweet Rub for later use

  1. Preheat your smoker to 225 degrees F for indirect smoking.
  2. Remove your roast from the packaging and wipe it down on all sides with paper towels, cleaning off any small bone fragments or extra liquid on the exterior.
  3. Slather the entire exterior of the pork shoulder with the yellow mustard.
  4. Season your pork roast on all sides, top and bottom, with the Homemade BBQ Sweet Rub. Don't worry about rubbing the seasoning into the meat, just be sure it is liberally coated all over.
  5. Place your seasoned roast on the smoker fat side up, preferably in the middle of the grate avoiding any direct hot spots.
  6. Close the lid and smoke the pork until it reaches an internal temperature of at least 195 degrees F. You can cook to 201 degrees F if you like softer pork. This process can take anywhere between 15-20 hours, depending on the consistency of heat in your smoker and the size of your pork shoulder.
  7. Remove the pork shoulder from the smoker and wrap tightly in foil. Allow the roast to rest for at least an hour before shredding.
  8. Pull apart the shoulder, discarding any chunks of fat or gristle. Sprinkle the roast with an additional tablespoon or so of the Homemade Sweet BBQ Rub. Serve and enjoy

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)
Topic revision: r1 - 29 Sep 2019, RickMach
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