Pesto Al La Genovese by Main.Jon Little


1 handful pine nuts
~30 basil leaves
2 cloves of garlic
pinch of salt
1-2 T grated Parmagina cheese
1-2 T grated Pecorino (or Romano) cheese
\xBD cup extra virgin olive oil

For a different flavor (I think better), lightly toast pine nuts in the oven on a cookie sheet at 400 degrees.

Variations by Joseph Mach: Add caramelized onions and roasted red pepper. Make sure red pepper is not blended in to give small red chunks to the mixture.


In a food processor or blender, blend pine nuts, basil leaves, salt, and garlic until it forms a thick paste. Add oil and cheese slowly while pulsing processor. Continue adding oil and cheese until proper consistency (like the thickness of blue cheese salad dressing). It should have a bright green color and strong flavor. Toss over freshly cooked pasta with a little butter or oil. Serve immediately.

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)

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Topic revision: r2 - 07 Sep 2015, RickMach
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