Okra Gumbo by RickMach

2 or 3 midium size potatoes (or corn for the variation)
1 small or 1/2 large onion
8 - 10 small or 5 - 6 large okra (or more)
3/4 can tomatoes (or tomatoe sause/paste for the variation)
2-3 tablespoons of oleo/butter

Cut potatoes in small chunks. Slice onion as fine as possible. Combine the two in pot well covered with water. Slice okra in 1/4 inch slices. Cut tomatoes in smaller pieces. Add okra to potatoes and onion (about five minutes after others are cooking). When others are done (stab easily with a fork) add a sash of salt and pepper. Add tomatoes, stir well. Add 2 or 3 tablespooks of oleo/butter. Okra will boil over easily when first poiling so watch carefully and stir. Season to taste.

Variation - If you don't like the slimy feel to okra, here is the variation I prefer:

Fry the okra and onions in the oleo/butter until almost done. Add the corn and continue to fry until done. Add tomatoe sause/paste. Simmer until think. Season to taste with salt, pepper, garlic or whatever you like.

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-- RickMach - 04 Mar 2005
Topic revision: r3 - 17 Sep 2006, RickMach
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