Nintendo 64 Games

  1. 1080 Degree Snowboarding
  2. Banjo-Kazooie
  3. Banjo-Tooie
  4. Castlevania
  5. Goldeneye 007 -2
  6. GT64
  7. Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards
  8. Mario Golf
  9. Mario Kart 64
  10. Mario Party 3
  11. Starfox 64
  12. Star Wars Episode I Racer
  13. Star Wars Rogue Squadron
  14. Star Wars Shadow of the Empire
  15. Super Smash Brothers.
  16. The New Tetris
  17. Yoshi's Story
  18. Zelda Majora's Mask - 2
  19. Zelda Ocarina of Time - 2
Topic revision: r3 - 25 Jul 2019, RickMach
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