Nintendo DS Games

  1. Advance Wars Days of Ruin
  2. Advance Wars DS
  3. Animal Crossing DS
  4. Big Brain Academy: Who has the biggest brain?
  5. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
  6. Brain Age 2
  7. Cooking Mama
  8. Electroplanktin
  9. Elite Beat Agents
  10. Feel the Magic: XX/YY
  11. Guitar Hero
  12. Hotel Dusk: Room 215
  13. Kirby Canvas Curse
  14. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  15. Madden NFL 2005
  16. Magnetica
  17. Mario Cart
  18. Mario Hoops 3 on 3
  19. Meteos
  20. New Super Mario
  21. Metroid Prime Hunters
  22. Nintendogs: Best Friends Edition
  23. Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends
  24. Polarium
  25. Professor Laytond and the Curious Village
  26. Scooby Doo
  27. Sonic DS
  28. Spyro Shadow Legacy
  29. Super Mario 64 DS
  30. Tetris DS
  31. Tiger Woods Golf 2006
  32. Trace Memory
  33. Trauma Center: Under the Knife
  34. Wario Ware Touched!
  35. World Championship Poker
  36. Zoo Keeper
Topic revision: r20 - 05 Jun 2009, RickMach
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