Mango Jalapeno Aioli by Hudson on the Bend

Mangos and jalapeno chiles spice up aioli mayonnaise. Use as a condiment with seafood and poultry.

Prep Time: 5 minutes; Total Time: 5 minutes

Juice of 2 lemons
1 bunch cilantro, stems removed, and roughly chopped
1/2 cup MangoJalapenoSauce
1 cup mayonnaise
2 garlic cloves, minced
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine lemon juice, cilantro, and Mango Jalapeno Sauce in a bowl. Stir in mayonnaise, garlic, salt, and pepper. Can be used as a condiment with seafood and poultry

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Feb 2017, RickMach
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