Dijon And Honey Crusted Pork Tenderloins from https://themom100.com/recipe/dijon-and-honey-crusted-pork-tenderloins/

1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
\xBC cup coarse Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons honey
3 cloves garlic minced
2 to 3 small boneless pork tenderloins 2 1/2 to 3 pounds total
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

  1. (Always skip if sous vide -- note that brining can make it hammier in taste.) If you have time, make the brine (see Note on the right side) and place the tenderloins in a container, add the brine to cover (you can also use a sturdy gallon-sized zippertop bag), and brine the tenderloins for 2 to 8 hours.
  2. Mix together 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, Dijon mustard, honey, garlic, salt (if you are brining the pork, skip the salt) and pepper until well blended. Smear the pork all over with the mixture to coat; at this point, you can cover the pork and refrigerate it for up to a day.
  3. Sous vide for 1-4 hours at 140-144.
  4. Heat pan to near smoking with butter and oil.
  5. Remove pork and dry with paper towels. Sear for less than 30s per side (or until nice sear).
  6. Dump contents of sous vide bag into pan used for searing. Reduce to make a sauce for the pork
  1. Preheat the oven to 375\xB0F. Heat a large ovenproof skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium-high heat, and add the remaining 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Place the tenderloins in the hot pan (save the marinade left behind to use for roasting).
  2. Brown for 2 minutes on all sides, turning so that the entire outside gets nicely seared, about 10 minutes in total.
  3. Transfer the pan to the oven, spoon the rest of the marinade over the tenderloins and roast until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the pork loins registers 140\xB0F degrees, which could take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the thickness of the pork loins. Let rest for 10 to 15 minutes before slicing.

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)
Topic revision: r1 - 01 Jan 2020, RickMach
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