Competition St Louis Style Ribs 321 by Christie Vanover (

Competition St. Louis Style Ribs (3-2-1 Method) Many competitive barbecue teams use the tried-and-true 3-2-1 method when cooking St. Louis Style Ribs. This recipe and video will show you how easy it is.


2 slabs St. Louis Style Ribs
yellow mustard
your favorite rib rub
1/4 cup butter
brown sugar
1/2 cup grape juice (or apple juice, beer, wine)
your favorite sauce


  • Flip the ribs, so that the bones are facing up. Using a paper towel, pull off the membrane and discard. Trim off the bones on each end. They're too small to be used as turn-in ribs. Trim off the flap of meat on the backside. Trim and remove any excess fat.
  • Rub the backside with mustard and rib rub. Let rest in the fridge for 15 minutes. Flip and rub the topside with mustard and rib rub. Let rest in the fridge while you heat your grill to 225F degrees.
  • Place the ribs on the grill meat side up. Smoke with the lid closed for 3 hours.
  • Place two sheets of heavy-duty aluminum foil on the counter. Top with 4-5 pats of butter, 1-2 tablespoons brown sugar, a liberal drizzle of honey and 1/4 cup juice. Place the ribs on the butter, meat side down. To the bone side of the ribs, add 4-5 more pats butter, 1-2 more tablespoons brown sugar and another drizzle of honey. Wrap tightly, crimping up the ends.
  • Place back on the smoker for 2 hours.
  • Remove from the smoker, and unwrap from the foil. Flip the ribs over. Brush with sauce. Return to the smoker for one more hour.
  • Remove from the smoker. Let rest a few minutes and slice. For competitions, select your 6 best bones for the judges.

  • For my ribs, I like to use a combination of Code 3 Spices Backdraft, 5-0 and Grunt Rubs along with Loot N Booty BBQ Everything Rub and some raw sugar. My go-to sauce is Code 3 Spices Patriot Sauce.
  • If you add more juice, your ribs will be more tender. If you're competing, be careful you don't add too much. Judges don't like their meat to completely fall off the bone. They like it to have a little bite.
  • Instead of grape juice, you can also use apple juice, beer or wine.

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)

Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 6 hours
Total Time 6 hours 45 minutes
Servings 6
Calories 1108 kcal
Topic revision: r1 - 22 Apr 2019, RickMach
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