plug in red Vevor. Plug Coffee roaster into meter.

The following is the experience I have using Unit #1:

Coffee Type Temperature Starting Weight End Weight 1st crackSorted descending End 1st crack 2nd crack End Roast
Guatemala Bourbon - Finca San Diego Buena Vista 71 - - 3:50 5:20 - 6:30
Guatemala Bourbon - Finca San Diego Buena Vista 61 70g 59g (15.7%) 3:30 5:00 7:30 8:30
Guatemala Bourbon - Finca San Diego Buena Vista 71 68g 57g (16.1%) 2:28 4:20 7:25 7:25
-- RickMach - 29 Jan 2012

Behmor 1600+ Coffee Roaster-

Measure 12-14 oz of green coffee beans. After removing cylinder and chaff collector, Preheat Roaster by pressing 1 pound then start. After 1.5 min. press Off. Place cylinder contraption inside. Put right side in first. Press bar down and replace chaff collector. Press 1pound,P1, and Start.

Set alarm for 12 minutes. When the display starts flashing (does Dead Man Count) press Start.

Press C at start of 1st crack or press C to reset it for 3 min. if you haven't heard 1st crack. Sounds like popcorn. When it sounds like twigs this is 2nd crack. Press cool - hang out 2 min. for prevention of fire. Will count down for 12 minutes.

Important: Fire may start if I don't press cool as soon as I hear 2nd crack. Turn light off of roaster when I press cool and watch for 2 min. to see if it catches fire.

If a fire starts unplug the roaster and carry it outside.
  1. City Roast- end of 1st crack
  2. City+
  3. Full City
  4. Full City+- end at the start of 2nd crack. (Darkest of Rick's roast)
  5. Viennese
  6. French
  7. Spanish
Topic revision: r6 - 19 Mar 2022, LorettaMach
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