Chinese Eggplant With Garlic Sauce by omnivore's cookbook

2 (10 oz/300g) small Chinese long eggplant, chopped to bite size pieces.
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 T light soy sauce
1 Tablespoon water
1/2 tsp dark soy sauce
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp cornstarch

2 1/2T peanut oil (or vegetable oil)
1 tsp. ginger, minced
3 cloves garlic, chopped

  1. (Option 1) Place eggp[lant in a large bowl and add water to cover. Add 1 tsp salt, mix well. Place a pot lid on top to keep the eggplant under water for 15 min. Drain and pat dry.
  2. (Option 2) Spread the sliced eggplant out on a paper towel. Sprinkle Kosher salt on both sides of the eggplant slices. Allow to rest for 45-60 min. Pat dry without rinsing.
  3. Combine the sauce ingredients in a small bowl, mix well.
  4. Sprinkle eggplant with 1 T cornstarch and mix by hand, until eggplant is evenly coated with a thin layer of cornstarch.
  5. Add 2 T oil to a big nonstick skillet an dheat over medium high heat until hot.
  6. Spread eggplant across the bottom of the skillet withoutoverlapping. Cook the eggplant one side at a time until all the surfaces are charred and the eggplant turns soft. 8 to 10 min in total. Transfer the eggplants to a plate. If the skillet gets too hot and starts to smoke, turn to medium heat.
  7. Add the remaining 1/2 t oil, the ginger and garlic into the same skillet Stir a few times until fragrant. Add all the egg plant back into the skillet. Mix the sauce again until cornstarch is fully dissolved and pour it over the eggplant. Immediately stir a few times, until the eggplant is evenly coated and the sauce thickens. Transfer everything to a big plate.
  8. Serve hot as a side or as main over steamed rice or noodles.

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)
Topic revision: r2 - 16 Nov 2020, RickMach
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