Cake Balls by Vickie and Art

1 box Duncan Hines Triple Chocolate cake mix 1 can of icing. I used chocolate Dark chocolate A'Peels (Make it Sweet)

1. Prepare cake mix as directed on box. 2. Cool but not completely as you want the icing to kind of melt once mixed. 3. Crumble cake into a large bowl adding just enough icing that the cake is wet and will stick together in a ball. 4. Use a cookie scoop to measure the balls out and refrigerate for about an hour or overnight. 5. Melt candy melts in a bowl and use a fork to dip the balls coating them. 6. Place on wax paper. 7. Can be put back in the fridge.

Other Info (pictures, nutrition, etc)
Topic revision: r2 - 22 Dec 2019, RickMach
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