This page serves as the title page for documents created with GenPDFAddOn. The content between the horizontal rules will be printed on the title page of the PDF document.

  • The GENPDFADDON_ parameters can be overwritten in the final document either by setting preferences in WebPreferences or in the base topic (Ie. the one you are generating a PDF from):
    • Set GENPDFADDON_BANNER = Our Slogan Rocks!!!
    • Set GENPDFADDON_DOCUMENT = RecipeBookTitlePage
    • Set GENPDFADDON_SUBTITLE = r2 - 2006/09/20 - 21:16:06 - RickMach

There is currently no %ATTACHURL{topic="%WEB%.TopicName"}% so you must expand the full path to attachments like this:


Also, htmldoc must be able to download it so be sure to use %PUBURL% not %PUBURLPATH%


Our Slogan Rocks!!!


r2 - 2006/09/20 - 21:16:06 - RickMach

Generated: 2024/12/21 - 09:36

-- WadeTurland - 13 Jun 2005

-- RickMach - 19 Sep 2006
Topic revision: r2 - 2006/09/20, RickMach
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