I'm trying to compile a list of restaurants in Austin, TX that provide free or discounted kids meals. I have only verified Zuzu, Chick-fil-a, Luby's, and Texas Land and Cattle myself.


Details: Luby's - One kids meal for every adult meal purchased.

Zuzu - Two free kids meals with the purchase of an adult platter. Kids menu only and whole pieces of grilled chicken excluded.

http://www.austinist.com/archives/2006/08/17/food_kids_eat_free_parents_save_some_mad_coin.php http://www.mommysavers.com/money-saving-ideas/kids-eat-free.shtml http://sgfca.org/ respective restaurants or websites

-- RickMach - 10 Sep 2006
-- Russ Johns - 12 Nov 2006
Topic revision: r6 - 21 Oct 2007, RickMach
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